subject: What Are Snoring Nasal Strips And How Do They Work? [print this page] Google "stop snoring" and you will get over one million results for your search. The stop snoring market is big business. If you snore and are looking for a solution, you can't be faulted if you feel confused and a little overwhelmed when it comes to deciding on a device or treatment for your snoring. Let's take a look at one device, snoring nasal strips, to see if it's right for you.
What are snoring nasal strips?
There are many different brands and types of nasal strips but the most common are small bands of plastic embedded in an adhesive. They don't require a prescription, as many stop snoring mouthpieces do, so are available over the counter at most drug stores. They are disposable and are very reasonably priced.
How do they work?
These strips are drug-free, mechanical devices that work to make your breathing easier by keeping your nostrils open. They are placed across the nose just before going to bed and are worn overnight. The strips attempt to straighten, which lifts the sides of the nose, allowing air to flow more freely.
Will they work for you?
The answer is, "it depends." If you frequently suffer from nasal congestion or allergies, then they may work just fine for you. If your condition is more chronic in nature, such as a deviated septum or nasal polyps, then nasal strips might not work very well. By their very nature they are a temporary fix, best suited to a temporary condition.
If you don't snore through your nose, they you are not a candidate for nasal strips. They will not have any effect on snoring that comes from the soft tissue in the back of the throat.
If you snore heavily, even if it is through the nose, then snoring nasal strips will probably have minimal effect. They work best on moderate snoring. If you have any level of sleep apnea, these strips are not appropriate for you.
by: Hal Hendricks
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