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subject: It's A Great Time For Moms And Home Business Opportunities Today [print this page]

It's A Great Time For Moms And Home Business Opportunities Today

I have been a single mom for most of my life and "if I knew then what I know now", I would not hesitate working in a home business. Of course there were not as many opportunities for working moms back in the old days but now; with the Internet we can achieve so much more today right from the comfort of home.

Not everyone feels the same but for me....the typical home business of the past just wasn't my thing. But business has changed thanks to the Internet.

I didn't want to keep up with inventory and stockpile products in my garage. I was a single mom so it was hard for me to get out at night. But no longer even need to leave home. The Internet gives us hundreds of legitimate work from home business opportunities.

What I have learned is that working from home and gaining control over my time was one of the most worthwhile benefits. I found that I spent more quality time with my daughter because I was less stressed.

Stay at home moms can quit work at 3:00 when the kids come home and moms who work from home can work at night after the kids are in bed. It's your choice and that's what makes it so great. All it takes is 10-15 hours per week and you can build a successful home business within a few short years.

What I really love is how much money I have saved on unscheduled trips to the store, eating out, car expenses and gas to commute back and forth to work. I saved a ton on clothes and have donated all my business suits. You get to decide what you wear to work. It's goodbye to pantie hose forever!

Working a typical day is stressful when you're a mom with so much to do and so many people counting on you. When you own your own get to set your own schedule - when you're going to work, take time off and even plan a vacation.

It's always so hard to schedule appointments for the hair dresser or dentist but now you can plan them when it's convenient for you. There is nothing like being able to do what's important to you when you want. You'll have the flexibility to be there for your kids when they are sick and need to be picked up from school too.

When you're not commuting to and from work, you won't believe how much time you are going to save. Do you know we spend over 100 hours annually commuting in the US? And it takes us an average of 24 minutes one way.....that's amazing!

There are a lot of other time wasters too at work like hanging out with friends and going out to lunch. What we really want though is to be with our kids.

It's great to be home when the guy comes to fix something or the delivery guy needs a signature. And it's great to be home with your kids.....and your pets because they are important too.

Once you decide a home business is right for you....just make sure you find the right team that can help you achieve success. Whatever you choose, make sure your team builds their business the way you want to build your business and have achieved the success you, offline or a combination of the two.

by: Ginger Hogue

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