subject: Smart And Intelligent Save Money Ideas [print this page] Many people continually wish they could begin to save money as soon as possible but few actually begin. There are some who usually wish there is a kind of magic wand that could be used to save as much money as possible because they found out that saving money requires much more than mere wishes.
We all want to be on top of our finances so that we can have more in reserve but it isn't everybody that has the know how to keep substantial money aside after taking care of everyday expenses. My own personal opinion is that saving money shouldn't be something that will stress anyone.
There are various ways any person can begin to save money, even the laziest guy out there. You can actually manage your money through some ways that could be considered lazy and make some savings in the process.
A. For you to begin to save money you are advised to all your monthly bills and outwards payments to your direct debit account. This is the surest way of not paying late repayments interest and penalties that most accrue with the credit cards.
The direct debit is such that none would need to remind you when any of the bills is due because they will be deducted from your account automatically and it will later reflect in your statement of account.
The issue of over spending your credit limit also wouldn't arise because you will only be spending what you actually have at any given time. The interests and charges you would have incurred through credit cards would be saved.
B. If you really to save money today, you have to learn to shop online instead of physically visiting the shopping mall. You don't have to spend time and energy walking round the stalls and push the cart home at the end of the day because with a simple click of the mouse you would have all your shopping delivered to your home at the same price or even cheaper in most cases.
If for example, you have some specific items you require every week, you can arrange with a shopping mall close to you to be delivering the items weekly. Doing this will enable you to bargain for lower prices. The shopping mall knowing fully well that they need to retain your loyalty may consider giving you the bargain price you are requesting for. You can simply save that extra money from the bargain.
C. A lot of people say they want to save money but they are using more than one car. If your finances aren't buoyant and there is need for you to really take care of every dime that comes your way, it is imperative that you put a check on the amount of money you spend on gasoline.
I find it difficult to understand why somebody whose budget is quite low would be spending the bulk of it on fuel. You can easily adjust if you really want to save money and boost your finances.
You can also save money by carpooling to work by simply arranging with those around so that you all will take each others' cars in weekly turns.
by: Dan Cavalli
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