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subject: Thinking of Starting Your Own Home Business - 5 Simple Success Strategies [print this page]

Thinking of Starting Your Own Home Business - 5 Simple Success Strategies

1) Choose business system with products you believe in! Nothing sucks more than selling something you can't get behind. There are literally thousands, if not hundreds of thousands home business opportunities out there and a lot of them are awesome, but if you don't like diet pills or health food, those types of companies would be a bad choice for you.

2) Follow proven and successful mentors - Who are the top earners in the opportunity you just joined? What strategies did they utilize to get on the leader boards? I can guarantee that anyone who has been a top earner has tons of content and stories out there about them that they wrote and that other people wrote. Good and bad, take a look at their own stuff first, it's real easy to tell if someone is a freak or the real deal.

3) Internal training, do some research on the training available inside the system. Does it seem generic and regurgitated? When I am looking at training, I want it to be relevant to the system, I don't want to pitch my friends and relatives, I want to know how to leverage tools and learn some new marketing skills. Sometimes companies get too generic and lose sight of how they got where they are in the first place.

4) Easy navigation. How cluttered is the page you submit your info to get a "sneak peek"? Too much info up front is bad thing. The saying goes "The more you tell, the less you sell" and that is so true. If you feel overwhelmed just trying to put in your name and e-mail, chances are that there is not a lot of structure or that particular sponsor is way too busy to even help you get through the submission process. Providing value up front doesn't mean landing on a splash page with all of my affiliate links on it. Blogs are a great place for that stuff. But blogs can look cluttered as well. Even if you like what you see, if it's hard to find where to "opt-in" you're not going to.

5) Number five is crucial for any amount of succes you'll hope to have. You need a marketing funnel. A system that does the telling and selling for you. This is where the real value is, an ultimate lead training and qualifying funnel. What if before you even talked to your leads, they were totally engulfed into your training and they are just itching to see what you have for them next. Sounds awesome right?

Developing your own entrepreneur awesomeness takes some time and dedication but with these 5 things in mind, you can surely be on your way when you are just starting out!

Thinking of Starting Your Own Home Business - 5 Simple Success Strategies

By: Matt Findley

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