subject: Getting Great Rates On Personal Loans [print this page] There are many reasons why you might be considering getting a personal loan. For instance, you may want to buy a high priced item, like a car, boat, or motorcycle or pay off debts from college or credit cards. Never forget to compare your options extensively before deciding which lender to get your funds from. If you patiently compare different loan offers, you can get personal loans that come with exceptionally low interest rates and fees.
Personal loans are given by banks, credit unions, and additional financial institutions. If you are an old client of a local bank, you should look into the loan offers they have. Unsecured loans tend to be charged higher interest rates than secure loans, so presenting collateral can help you get a better rate. A second option to consider is getting a variable or fixed interest rate. Fixed rates are better if you are at all concerned about the interest rate suddenly sliding up; fixed rate loans also let you make exact plans for the total cost of your loan.
Peer to peer lending has turned into a common way to get a personal loan in recent years. These lending networks permit members with good credit to offer loans to one another. Once you have become an official member, you can request a personal loan from the community. This is only an option if you have excellent credit; requests from people with bad credit will not be accepted.
Does that mean that you are stuck high and dry just because your credit score is a bit low? You can receive your loan, but you will not have access to the same number of options. For a bad credit loan, expect to be asked for security from banks or credit unions where you apply. In addition, expect to pay a higher interest rate than that offered to clients with a stellar credit history.
Whether your credit is good or bad, you need to watch out for personal loans that offer unrealistically fantastic terms. Unscrupulous lenders are simply waiting to take advantage of you. Do not sign a contract too quickly; instead, take time to review all of your options, weighing the pros and cons of each offer. That is the key to getting personal loans from the best sources at good rates.
Getting Great Rates On Personal Loans
By: Kathy E. Stearns
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