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subject: Reviewing The Gbc Shredmaster Gsx168 Paper Shredder [print this page]

Are you looking for a paper shredder that can withstand moderate use? Do you need a device that has a great shredding capacity and also offers just the right amount of security? If so, one machine that could be a good fit for you is the GBC ShredMaster GSX168. This is one of GBC's newer products and it has a lot of excellent features for a paper shredder in its class. Let's take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of the GSX168.

The Strengths:

* The GSX168 has a really impressive shredding capacity. It can shred up to 16 sheets of paper per pass so you can shred more paper more quickly.

* In addition to paper, this device can shred credit cards and CD's/DVD's. You can leave the paper clips and staples in your documents because the machine can shred them as well.

* This machine offers Level 3 security so your private information will be completely safe. This is a cross-cut device and it will turn a piece of paper into numerous pieces measuring 1/6" x 1-7/9".

* The GSX168 has a pretty roomy waste bin with an 8-gallon capacity. This means you won't have to empty it constantly. The bin is located in a pull-out drawer so when you do have to empty it, it will be very easy.

* This is a jam-free shredder that will enable you to be more productive. It has an indicator light to let you know if you're trying to shred too much. When it lights up, just remove the extra paper and you'll be able to keep shredding without any jams.

* This machine will shut off automatically when you're not using it. This makes it safe to use and it will also prevent the motor from overheating.

* Each unit has casters so moving the shredder around won't be difficult at all.

* This product has a particularly impressive warranty. The machine itself is covered for two years while the cutters are covered for up to 20.

The Weaknesses:

* This machine was made for moderate use and because of its shredding capacity, it's not ideal for departmental use.

* The GSX168 is a high-quality device and this is reflected in its rather high price tag. (The price is around the $400.00 mark.) The price may be off-putting to potential home users, especially during a recession.

The GBC ShredMaster GSX168 is ideal for environments in which one to three people will use it. It's great for use in the workplace, as well as at home, even though the price might be a bit prohibitive for some individuals. However, this product is well worth the price due to its multimedia shredding capabilities and its special features, such as jam-free operation and the ability to shut off automatically. It also offers a great level of security so you can be confident that your private information won't be stolen. And let's not forget the terrific warranty. If your home office or workplace needs a high-quality shredder for moderate use, the GSX168 is definitely a machine you should consider.

by: Jeffrey McRitchie

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