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subject: Save Money with IPAYFX [print this page]

Currencies Direct has launched an online service which simplifies the process of international money transfer procedure to a few quick clicks of a mouse while saving three per cent of the money per transaction for firms. A revolutionary service that brings the power to make foreign currency payments right to your desktop. Here at Currencies Direct we have always prided ourselves in offering our clients superior customer service and outstanding products that help make foreign exchange simple and easy while still saving you money. This new service I-PAYFX, combines the foreign exchange and payment elements of a transaction into one simple online process, giving users full and transparent control of their foreign payments. It works in real time and allows users to see exactly what currency rate they are getting, whilst its built-in validation procedures meet the standards set by international banks. I-PAYFX will simplify the whole process whilst delivering a better exchange rate than any high street bank will offer reducing hassle, improving efficiency and saving money.

Save Money with IPAYFX

By: Currencies Direct

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