subject: Student Health Insurance Plan Does Not Require Abortion Coverage After All [print this page] For college students, health insurance is useful to have. In fact, many states and universities mandate that their students have a policy. Presumably, they would like to reduce the costs associated with operating their health centers. Administrators also care about the well-being of their students. Healthy students are more likely to succeed and graduate.
In order to facilitate the insured status of students, many universities offer dedicated student health insurance to those who would otherwise be uninsured. Most of the time, it is noncontroversial. However, the University of North Carolina came under fire recently over its plan.
The standard version of the UNC plan includes coverage of abortion services. Since the procedure is relatively inexpensive and infrequent among policyholders, the cost difference is neligible--several cents per monthly premium or less is normal. A majority of health plans (85 percent) include the benefit.
It is not a selling point for everyone, though. Pro-life individuals would prefer not to provide monentary support to a procedure they feel is morally wrong. Students at UNC were no different; they refused to be forced to buy a health insurance plan that includes abortion coverage. Unfortunately, the university's plan was not a-la-carte; it is a comprehensive plan with a specific list of procedures that it covers.
After significant media attention (both local and national) and a series of online email petitions, the public university agreed to offer an alternative plan that specifically excludes abortion services. Students must opt out via special request; an email will be sent to their college accounts with instructions soon. Such a compromise is probably not fully satisfying to either side.