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subject: Consolidate Bills and Eliminate Debt - Top 5 Ways to Eliminate Debt [print this page]

Consolidate Bills and Eliminate Debt - Top 5 Ways to Eliminate Debt

Author: Eri k stump
Author: Eri k stump

We all tend to fall into debt traps and create vicious cycles of financial instability. This occurs primarily because we do not maintain details of our debts systematically. We do not to maintain our discipline when borrowing. We clear one debt with another loan and the chain continues forcing us to lose track of how our problems began. In such a situation, it is important to know how to proceed before taking any action. With computers and the internet becoming so popular, one should make use of the World Wide Web to look for pragmatic and sensible solutions to get rid of debt without significantly altering one's lifestyle. If your debt burden is in excess of seven thousand five hundred dollars and if you are not in a position to repay your loans, you can opt for debt settlement instead of opting for bankruptcy. Debt settlement will help you get sixty to seventy percent of the amount owed to your creditors. This means that you can repay your ten thousand dollar loan by simply repaying four thousand dollars. It is best to make use of debt settlement companies to negotiate such an arrangement with your creditor If you do not qualify for debt settlement, you should try to consolidate your debts into a single loan. This gives you clarity and bargaining power that you previously did not possess. It also helps you save a lot on high interest payments. Thirdly, you should opt for credit counseling. You will be taught how to control your urge to create more debt and will also be taught how to maximize your income capacity. All this will take place even as you repay your debts. If you are facing a short term financial crunch, you can approach your lender for a repayment holiday. You can easily wrangle a interest payment holiday until you are financially secure enough to start repayments again. If none of this works, and it is highly unlikely that none of this would work, then you should contemplate bankruptcy. You should seek protection from the court by admitting your inability to repay your debts in full. This is not a popular option-financially as well as socially. However, when nothing else works, it is better to opt for bankruptcy rather than do something illegal. If you are currently experiencing short term cash flow problems and are in need of quick cash then you will obviously want to get the best deal. I would strongly discourage you from going directly to a particular payday lender as you never really know if you are getting the best rate. Instead, the most efficient way to receive multiple quotes and get the best deal on your short term loan, is to utilize a multiple lender website that is affiliated with several payday lending companies. These websites will make the payday loan companies compete over your loan and therefore you are able to choose the one that was able to offer you the best deal. Going through a multiple lender website will save you time and money and they have consistently offered consumers the best market rate available. They are free to use and are by far the most convenient method to get quick cash. For a payday cash advance loan lender that has consistently provided competitive rates check out this link:Free Debt Advice About the Author: is a matchmaker in the debt settlement industry. They have paired up thousands of consumers up with debt settlement companies who are most likely to get consumers the best deal.

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