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subject: Prosperity,Something more than money [print this page]

Do random acts of love, let a lady go first, open a door, and give a rose. Say something nice to someone you dislike. Remember the saying, "Noblesse oblige." I knew a lady that used to do goods acts randomly but she only wanted to feel well with herself. Whatever she did was to feed the "feel sorry for herself" mentality she acquired through years of loveliness. She tried to do her best, but there was not love in her actions.As part of her course of action, she was not able to love any man truly.She used to boycott the good friends that were trying to go further in helping her. For many years, she complained she gave so much.Her life was a nightmare with no love, or anybody who cared for her. A friend gave this lady the advice of forgive and forget and to start giving. A gift blesses both,the giver and the receiver. My friend asked her to fill her heart with love for the recipient of the present. At the beginning, it was a tough duty but once she started doing good deeds from the bottom of her heart, things bettered. Miracles started to happen in her life frequently. Bad relationships mended; her life quality changed totally. The Universe always reacts in favor of those who love and show their love for others.

Prosperity,Something more than money

By: Jose Polo

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