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subject: Natural Wonders That Include World Heritage Sites In The Queensland [print this page]

Natural Wonders That Include World Heritage Sites In The Queensland

One of the reasons for the growing attraction of the Queensland and the coast of Australia is the fact that it contains many World Heritage listed sites that make it an incredible vacation destination. Most are just a day drive from the Gold Coast region and people come from all over the world to check out the unique sites of the Australian Fossil Sites, Fraser Island, the Great Barrier Reef, and the Gowanda Rainforests. The following will provide you with a little bit of further information regarding these sites and the things that make them so special.

To have a chance at checking out 20 million year old fossil sites you can go to the Australian Fossil Mammal Sites. There are two of these in Australia and you can get to the one that is in the Boodiamulla National Park, at Riversleigh. You will see things that are from the Olito Miocene period and that is both amazing and rare.

FRASER ISLAND - A site that is uniquely one of a kind offers you a rate look at what is claimed to be the largest sand island in the entire world. It was listed as a World Heritage site in the early part of the 1990's and is considered an environmentally protected area, one of only about 400 regions in the whole world that is protected in this way.

GONDWANA RAINFORESTS - This region formerly known as the Central Eastern Rainforest is chocked full of outstanding geological features. It is an area that is rich in volcanic craters and contains a high number of different endangered species. These have an incredible significance on this region for the purposes of both conservation and science. The rainforests of this area have been inscribed as a World Heritage site by the United Nations.

THE GREAT BARRIER REEF - The Great Barrier Reef is perhaps on of the most popular World Heritage Listed sites in the entire Queensland. An area filled with many magnificent sites this amazing reef extends from Torres Strait to just off the Tropic of Capricorn directly off the coast of the Queensland. Honestly an amazing site the creatures and the coral add to the natural beauty of the incredible beach locale, where you can scuba dive and snorkel to get up close and personal with the natural habitats that lie just beneath the surface. A truly breathtaking experience.

by: Cordelia Kennedy

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