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subject: Dell Inspiron M101z Review – Miniature, Powerful and Ultraportable [print this page]

Dell has provided the Dell Inspiron M101z in two versions[Dell Inspiron batteries]. The difference between the two is the components and, of course, the price. The cheaper model has a single core 1.7GHz AMD Athlon II Neo K125 processor while the higher version has a 1.3GHz dual core AMD Athlon II Neo K325 processor. Memory capabilities vary between the two models also, with the more expensive model having memory of 4GB while the cheaper one has half that size. For the hard drives, the pricier version comes with 320GB 7200 RPM while the low-end version has a hard drive of 250GB 5400RPM. Both versions, apart from the powerful features noted here, will be great for graphics as they have ATI Radeon 4225 graphics.

Choice of color is reasonable as there are four colors to choose from black, red, pink and blue. The laptop has a comfortable to work on keyboard and touchpad. When you use it for your travels, you are assured of a reasonable amount of time off power as this computer has a six cell battery and the option of a nine cell one(Dell batteries). To enable you connect to external devices, there are three USB ports, headphone and microphone jacks as well as an SD Card slot and an Ethernet jack. Other ports include an HDMI port, a VGA port and a lock port.

Using the laptop to watch movies will be a rewarding experience as the glossy screen, which has a 1366*768 pixel display brings out sharp colors. For music, the laptop has stereo speakers which generate great quality audio. There are many positive things to say about this tiny notebook but it also tends to be much noisier than other laptops in its category and also generates a reasonable amount of heat. Yet the positives outweigh the negatives so overwhelmingly that this is a machine definitely worth having. You could save much when buying this laptop by making use of Dell discount coupons.

Dell Inspiron M101z Review Miniature, Powerful and Ultraportable


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