subject: Considering Breast Surgery The Options And The Complications [print this page] There are only a few options to chose from if you are considering breast surgery the first is Saline Breast Implants
Note - Saline breast implants do have a silicone shell.
However they also do not have any artificial filler material to contend with. Saline implants however are a little more likely to rupture, but on the other hand they are less likely to cause capsular contracture. The saline implants options are more flexible in their implantation and in their approaches as well as being easier to replace if and when they rupture or leak down the line.
Silicone breast implants come in traditional silicone gel filled styles and then the more common and safer cohesive gel profile. With the cohesive silicone gel breast implants, these should not rupture or leak, since their construction is similar to a jelly solid, rather than a gel filled shell. The bonus with cohesive silicone implants are pretty much indestructible and have are known as and have been called the finest breast prostheses ever made.
Both materials come in a wide range of options including size, shape and texture.
Inframammary breast augmentation uses a breast fold incision to place implants. This is the original technique used and is still very popular, despite various potential complications, including deterioration of the breast crease structure and obvious scarring.
Periareolar breast augmentation is also ultra common, despite sometimes obvious breast scarring and the increased chance for infection, nipple sensitivity issues and breast feeding complications.
Transaxillary breast augmentation is unique in that it was the first off-the-breast approach to surgical enhancement. This technique is still moderately popular, especially in Europe and Asia.
Transumbilical breast augmentation is the latest and potentially greatest development in enlargement operations. This approach completely hides the scars and further reduces potential complications in the breast. However, the operation is limited to using saline implants only.
A breast implant infection can be a minor inconvenience or a major catastrophe for any woman who has undergone breast augmentation surgery and developed an unfortunate contamination. Infection can rarely occur during the procedure itself, but is far more often a result of poor post-operative hygiene. Infection always has the potential to ruin otherwise flawless breast implant results, so be sure to be vigilant when taking care of your surgical wounds and report any sign of a problem to your surgeon right away.
Causes of Breast Implant Infection
Infections which occur during the operation itself are most often due to cross contamination or poor sterilizing techniques. These events are usually completely preventable and are the marks of amateur surgeons. In some countries, there is a higher chance for infection, due to outdated procedures and protocols, so be warned when considering a medical tourism vacation involving cosmetic surgery. Post operative contamination is more likely, since any number of infections can occur due to simple exposure to everyday bacteria. Remember to take care of your incisions in the exact manner prescribed by your doctor and always be especially careful with fresh surgical wounds.
Avoiding Breast Implant Infection
Periareolar incisions involve greater risk for infection, since there is a bacterium which lives in the nipple which is known to cause problems in rare instances of breast augmentation. Exposure to pets or young children is doubly dangerous, since these loveable critters both carry more bacteria and also may behave unpredictably, potentially causing injury to fresh surgical wounds. Be careful with pets and kids!
Infection can be a minor concern which can be treated with antibiotics in most cases. However, infection may become a real horror which entails follow up surgeries, additional breast scarring and even complete rejection of the implant prosthesis.
Make sure to follow your directions in changing dressings, washing the incisions and using any preventative antibiotics in pill or cream form. Always keep the wounds sterile and dry while they are fresh and do not allow moisture to build up near the wounds due to humidity, perspiration or any other source.
by: Billlly Jones
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