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subject: Financials Review for The Week of August 16th, 2010 [print this page]

I am glad to see you guys againI am glad to see you guys again. It's too quick, we are welcoming another new week with new chances and challenges. Well, how about your trading week? I hope everything was great. Be back to the financials market this week, as usual, I will let you view valuable information shared by our expert PitGuru Frank LaMantia right away. Just check the notes and let events become your chances! I will be back with you for the next review. Good luck! The Financials Pit Review

For the week of August 16th, 2010 Japan has some bad news today which may affect our markets. The country reported a very small increase in its GDP for the second quarter of 0.1%. In the first quarter the country grew by 1.2 %. Obviously many are distraught that the economy overall is not growing at a fast rate. This week housing data on new starts is released, inflation numbers on the consumer level, production of industrials, and unemployment numbers on the weekly level. Today manufacturing numbers were expected to be better than the month of July as it slowed dramatically last month. Data was announced and it seems to be showing a downward trend in our economy. The August numbers did not meet expectations even though the number rose from 5.08 in July to 7.10 in August. The number that has people concerned is the new orders statistic which shows a negative number. June of 2009 was the last time new orders fell below zero. Lowe's announced a profit increase of 10% for the second quarter but cut its future revenue numbers due to the economy's somewhat bleak future. Lowes has over 1724 stores in the Canada, the U.S., and Mexico so it is natural not to set the bar too high; just in case the economy does have another setback. Lowes major competitor Home Depot will announce its earnings tomorrow. Earing from commodity futures trading floor, we know that this is not easy and a wide knowledge somehow can help. Financials, energies, metals, grains, softs and other futures markets always have interaction. Changes in one market can cause changes in others. So, we need to keep update the information of all. It's never useless to check for more futures reviews! Don't miss any news supporting your business!

Financials Review for The Week of August 16th, 2010

By: Tony Lee

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