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subject: payg deals: smart way to save money [print this page]

Today, communication market is full of options that satisfy customers not only in terms of best technology but economically as well. Be it the mobile phones or mobile phone deals, they all have something exciting to offer to every class of society. To make it more convenient both, the mobile phone manufacturers and leading network providers have joined hands and have come up with options that include both discounts on call plans and cheap handsets. Out of all Pay as you go deals (also known as Payg deals) is gaining popularity among people especially teenagers as it allows users to save money on phone expenses.

With Payg phones, users need not worry about heavy monthly bills as this works on advance payment. One can decide the talk time limit and once the account balance reaches zero, one can easily get it topped up from the nearest retailer. Moreover, users get an opportunity to choose handset and network provider of their own choice without getting into complication of signing a bond which makes it different from contract deals. So with pay as you go phones users have the power in their hand. But one cannot deny the fact that even contract deals have a good fan following. This is because of the simple reason that all of us have different needs and different lifestyles.

Leading network providers like O2, Virgin, Orange, T-mobile, Three, Vodafone etc. that have various exciting offers for the users who want to go ahead with Payg deals like free warranty and free top-ups which are at times so high to attract eyes of a lot of customers. All the details regarding these plans are available online. One should compare all the plans offered by different companies. One should not only choose services on the basis of cheap rates but Good voice quality should always be taken into consideration. So go for reputed brands rather than taking risk for unknown or newly launched brands.

payg deals: smart way to save money

By: margret

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