subject: How To Stay In Shape While Traveling [print this page] Let's face it, we all live busy lives, and everyone at some point in their lives finds themselves traveling and in a hotel room for either for a vacation, wedding, funeral or maybe even a business trip. How does the fitness-conscious person stay in shape while on the road? It can be hard if the hotel you are staying at lacks a gym, treadmill or even a pool. Weather also factors into the equation, as inclement weather conditions can put a damper on exercising outside or if you have to travel extended for periods of time to get to a gym on foot. Often times, when people travel they split rental cars and their travel companion may be with the vehicle. The reality is that you don't need a gym or treadmill to get a great workout in. Fitness is all around you in a sense, and you just need to know where to look or make the appropriate accommodations prior to traveling.
Packing a jump rope weighs less than 1 pound and can be used anywhere such as inside a hotel room, in a lobby, or even in the parking lot. A simple travel-based jump rope workout routine can be 15-20 minutes of jumping (Aim to do 100 revolutions and then perform 10 pushups or sit-ups). To keep things moving, try to do 10 pushups, 20 sit-ups, or 10 lunges in between rest periods. By combining both anaerobic and aerobic workouts into 1 session, you will burn more calories and get a great sweat in.
If you forgot your jump rope, what are some other types of workouts you can do while traveling? There are many, for example, if you are staying in a big hotel with over 10 flights of stairs, you can run up and down the stairs timing yourself to the top to stay focused on the end goal. Aim to move for at least 20 to 40 minutes, depending on your own level of fitness. One time, I was training in Las Vegas and was running up and down the stairs in the middle of summer and many hotels do not cool the stairways to save cost. It was easily 100 degrees outside and after 20 minutes of running in 100 degree heat, I was beat (Editors note: Always work within you limits and stay hydrated).
Other workouts can be boxing-inspired and you can do them in your room without any equipment whatsoever. Try shadowboxing for 20 minutes in between rounds of pushups, self squats, or even lunges. Using your own body weight to balance is a good 'reset' and allows you to focus on strengthening muscle and correct form before you try performing similar exercises with much heavier weight. For example, doing a few rounds of body-weight squats is a perfect way to keep an eye on form (Often times nice hotels have a big mirrors located in the rooms) to correct potential issues.
If you're traveling with your laptop or personal DVD player, give Pilates or Yoga a try as that is a workout you can do comfortably within the space of your hotel room. You can place the laptop or DVD unit on the bed and work from the ground. Stretching, holding challenging poses and working on your breathing is a good way to prepare yourself for a more intense workout with weights when you are able to get back into the gym.
by: Steve Grayson
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