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subject: Is Your Heating And Air Thermostat Costing You Money? [print this page]

Is your heating and air thermostat costing you money each month. It is a valuable part of your home that needs careful consideration. The temperature that you set it at is usually a personal preference. Many people are finding out that there is a considerable cost savings when using the proper thermostat and setting it to maximize their comfort level and energy usage.

For example, when it's hot in the summer months, is it set so low that it feels good wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt when running the air conditioner? Do you wrap up in a blanket? This could be an indication that you could raise the thermostat a little and still be comfortable.

In the winter when it's cold and often times freezing, do you turn on a fan or go around the house in shorts and a tank top? Just decreasing the heat just a little bit can save you an extensive amount of money on your heating and air bill. Although there is no exact temperature to set it on since we all have different comfort levels, it is relatively simple to make some minor adjustments and save a considerable amount of money every month.

There is a good deal of money you could save by just dealing with the heat of summer and the cold of winter but that's not much for comfort so find a happy medium and you can have the energy savings each month and still be comfortable. Turning off the thermostat completely is not required to enjoy some extra money in your pocket.

Often times the perfect temperature varies according to our personal comfort level. Setting your house at the right temperature level for you should be the first objective. Some statistics have revealed that during the winter, setting the heat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit is a good starting point even though there are variables to our individual comfort level. 76 degrees Fahrenheit is a good starting point to find your comfort level in the summer months. Each time you change the thermostat up or down (determined by the season) each two degree change can save you a great deal of money.

If you normally keep your thermostat set at 70 degrees in the winter months and you can still feel comfortable with it set at 68 degrees, then you can save some cash on your heating and air bill.

In the summer when it's hot, if you can leave the air conditioning set at around 76 degrees, you will see a savings in the energy usage. If you can move these temperatures a little more, you will save even more money.

Remember if you are always turning the thermostat up and down you are not going to be saving any money. In fact, if you increase the temperature because you got cold only to change it back down because you got hot again, you will be wasting your money.

As the home cools down the air in it doesn't take as much energy to keep it at that level, but if you raise the temperature in the home, the air conditioner has to run a lot more to cool the home back down again. This loses a lot of money as a result. Find and keep the home at the right temperature and you will get the rewards from your heating and air energy savings all year long.

by: Bubby Buster

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