subject: Honda Motorbike Insurances Causes Migraines [print this page] Getting Honda motorbike insurance should not cause migraines. It should be a simple painless process. Getting cheap insurance is like trying to get the sun to rise from the west. Or is it? Here's some information that should make your next Honda motorbike insurance price hunt go easier.
First off, have all your personal information on hand. All the insurance companies are going to need the same information for the most part. You will need your full name, address, date of birth, marital status, student, employer information and how many violations you have on your driving record. They may also ask you if you have other vehicles and what cover you have on them.
Additional information you will need for your Honda motorbike insurance quote will be questions like:
Will the motorbike be your primary means of transportation?
On average how many miles will you be putting on the bike per day or per week?
Where will the bike be kept? (garage, car port, parking lot)
Will you have any kind of security device on your bike?
All of these things play into how much a company will charge you for your Honda motorbike insurance. If your bike is your daily driver and you travel far to your job every day then you are more at risk for an accident due to the amount of time spent on the road. If you don't have a motorbike alarm or store your motorbike in a garage then your bike is more at risk of being stolen. (I am a victim of this one.)
If you decide to call individual insurance companies, be sure to have a bottle of medication for your headache that you are sure to develop. Going over and over the same questions with 10-15 companies to get Honda motorbike insurance is aggravating and will actually end up costing you more.
The best places I've found have been online. When I was about to get my 2007 Honda CBR 1000rr, I ran into a road block due to insurance prices. It was that feeling you get when you are just about to get something you really want, only to have it swiped away from you at the last moment. The prices I was getting quoted for Honda motorbike insurance were crazy high!
by: Wesley Swatlovski
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