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subject: Squash Rackets : Save Time And Money With This Simple Guide [print this page]

With so many makes and models of squash racket on the market is can be difficult to find the one that is most suitable for you. This article explains the features of rackets available today so you can be armed with all the information you will need to make an informed choice.

Squash rackets generally weigh between 100 and 160 grams. The lighter rackets are more suitable to players with slower swing speed and will help to generate power. Heavier rackets are ideal for those with a faster swing speed as the weight of the racket will give more control.

An durable aluminium racket may will weigh more, but its durability makes it the racket of choice for beginners. A racket made from titanium of carbon is lighter and is more suitable for advanced players.

As with tennis rackets, the larger the head, the bigger sweet spot. The sweet spot is that part of the racket head that offers the greatest control. A larger sweet spot makes a racket more forgiving so these are ideal for juniors or improvers.

A racket can feel and behave differently depending on its balance. Head heavy rackets will give you more power and a racket that is heavier towards the handle will feel more solid. Evenly balanced rackets will combine a little of both. It is ultimately a matter of personal choice.

For comfort and to reduce the risk of injuries, you can make the grip size of your squash racket larger in two ways : by either applying a thin replacement grip or overgrip over the standard grip. You will have to do this because squash rackets do not come in different grip sizes.

Where possible, try the racket out before you buy it. Larger sports stores should have this facility. You should be able to tell straight away if you have chosen the right one. By following all of this simple advice you will not only find your perfect squash racket but save money too.

by: James Lowndes

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