subject: What Should I Know About Auto Insurance For Teens? [print this page] If you have a new driver in your family and you want to add them to your family insurance plan, then you should know about auto insurance for teens. Do not be surprised to find that it is significantly higher than the prices you are paying for your spouse and yourself and it is with good reason that they charge more.
Teens are known to cause the most accidents on the road and have the highest rates of car-related deaths. Not only is this due to their lack of experience driving, but also to their generally more impatient and more reckless behavior.
They have not spent as much time on the highway as you have, so they often do not know how much time to give other cars before they switch lanes and may forget to signal or other important details. There are a lot of different things that must be thought of while driving and they do not necessarily have all the details worked out flawlessly yet.
Additionally, due to their young age, they are usually more impetuous and adventurous on the road. Whereas most adults look at driving as a way to get from Point A to Point B, teenagers see it as an expression of freedom and treat it as such.
They can often be seen racing the cars next to them or trying to beat the light before it turns red, where an adult would probably act more cautiously and stop. Teenagers love to push the limits and experience everything to the fullest, so this will surely be seen in their driving.
Another factor is that while an adult might be driving with their kids in the car or by themselves on the way to work, teens are usually accompanied by equally rowdy friends. They will all egg each other on to go faster or take more risks, which is not the safest behavior. They also might try to change the music or even change seats while the car is moving. This is why when you put a lot of teenagers together in one car, accidents often result.
Insurance companies are aware of all of these factors and that is why auto insurance for teens is so much higher than it is for adults. If your child stays out of trouble and avoids tickets and accidents, they can ensure that it stays at the lowest possible rate instead of doubling or more.
by: Lance Thorington
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