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subject: Mafia Wars Fast Money Hacks - Don't Miss Out! [print this page]

Mafia Wars Fast Money Hacks
Mafia Wars Fast Money Hacks

Because of the large user base Mafia Wars has collected, Zynga release updates every month to keep the game feeling interesting and fun. Character tiers are updated, cities are updated, more missions are added and more property and equipment is made available. Unfortunately, these updates often cater to the players with more money and power in the game that can make use of the new updates better. This annoyed us a lot when first playing, which is why we're helping players like you now. With the help of the Mafia Wars Codex, you will become one of the wealthy players that can play the game the fun way it was meant to be played.

Mafia Wars Fast Money Hacks - Don't Miss Out!

By: Martha Kalrose

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