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subject: Achieving Optimum Health And Beauty Through Disease Prevention And Health Promotion [print this page]

What motivates you to seek medical treatment or aesthetic skin care beauty services? Take a few minutes and seriously answer these questions for yourself. Becoming aware of your thoughts, values and patterns of behavior with respect to health and beauty, you may find yourself making different but better choices with regard to disease prevention and health promotion. You might even find that those choices lead to a healthier, happier life with less stress and less needs for costly medical procedures. Your better health can even keep you looking younger with reduced needs for expensive cosmetic services.

What is Disease Prevention and What Does It Mean to You?

Maybe you think that disease prevention is limited to getting an annual physical exam with laboratory and other screening tests that suggest the absence of major disease. But in reality, that is not the same as disease prevention - a healthy style of living that is much more likely to keep you from developing chronic disease and aging prematurely. Real disease prevention means taking a proactive approach through deliberate and consistent measures to promote your health. This is accomplished by making healthy life style choices that include good nutrition; regular exercise; avoidance of recreational drugs, alcohol and tobacco; and making sure your environment is free of pesticides, toxic chemicals, polluted air, contaminated water and second hand smoke.

Some chronic diseases is related to factors beyond your control like heredity, age and sex. But many risk factors can be reduced or totally eliminated through healthy life style choices. Being over weight, not exercising enough and eating a diet high in fat, sugar, sodium and processed foods are good examples of factors that can be modified. Similarly, one can avoid exposure to pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and pesticides - factors also associated with the development of degenerative disease and premature aging. Unfortunately, most people wait until they are faced with a crisis event and may never pay attention to the underlying causes. The consequence can lead to a negative spiral of events that threaten life, finances, employment, family life, relationships and overall happiness.

It is never too late to make different choices and become proactive in achieving and maintaining good health. Even when disease is present, choosing healthy living practices can be the difference between catastrophic illness and living a relatively normal and satisfying life. An added benefit is the optimal hydration and nourishment of your skin. Not only will you will look better with a more radiant and youthful complexion, your aesthetic treatments will last longer and produce better results.

Aging, Chronic Disease and Free Radical Damage

Aging and chronic disease begins at the cellular level with free radical damage. A certain amount of free radicals occur during normal metabolism and can also be a protective response by your body to eliminate viruses and bacteria. But exposure to harmful environmental factors can accelerate free radical damage, leading to premature aging and chronic disease. In fact, cellular free radical damage has been linked to such chronic diseases as cancer, arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease, diabetes and arthritis.You may have noticed relatively young people with pronounced wrinkles, age spots and sun damaged skin that is far beyond their years. This consequence of cellular free radical damage often results from smoking and prolonged exposure to the sun.

The Origin of Free Radicals

Your skin, one of the largest organs, and all the various tissues and organs in your body consists of specialized cells made up of molecules. The molecules in the cells include tiny particles made up of one or more atoms of elements that are joined by chemical bonds. Surrounding each atom is one or more outer shells of electrons. An atom will seek to stabilize itself by filling its outer shell of electrons so that it does not have an odd, unpaired electron. When the atom becomes unstable from an incomplete outer shell, the weak bonds split, causing free radicals to form. These free radicals very quickly attempt to achieve stability by stealing an electron from other compounds or attaching to the nearest stable molecule. The result is a decline of normal cellular function. Your body attempts to rid itself of free radicals but when too many are present, a chain reaction is set in motion that can ultimately result in cellular death, aging and chronic disease.

Choosing Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

It is our hope that your understanding of free radicals, methods to prevent them and their relationship to premature aging and chronic disease will empower you to make healthy living choices in your daily life. The first step is becoming aware of all the factors that are counterproductive to your health. Then make a conscious decision to replace old habits and patterns of behavior with healthy living practices. Think of this as insurance and an investment in your future as you reduce your need for extensive healthcare and beauty services. As much as we love to see you in our office, our greatest satisfaction comes from your full and rapid recovery from venous treatment procedures, preventing future problems and getting great results from the aesthetic services you receive.

by: Douglas Joyce

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