subject: What Is The Definition Of Twitter? by:Samantha Milner [print this page] With 4 to 5 million registered users, and close to 20 million page views per day, one would think that people know the answer to the question "what is the definition of Twitter?"
The question "what is the definition of Twitter" is still shrouded in mystery. Many people know what Twitter is, but almost no one knows what Twitter really means. It is doubtful that even Twitter's founder, Jack Dorsey, knows what Twitter means.
However, we can make intelligent guesses based on what we know right now, given Twitter's amazing popularity which it has gained in such a short period of time.
The philosophy behind Twitter is that it intends to become the SMS of the internet. Given the popularity of cellular phone-based text messaging and the ever-growing impatience of internet users who have become somewhat spoiled by the digital speed by which information is conveyed these days, it would be fair to guess that Twitter wanted to create something that will force people to send messages like SMS and readers to read messages like SMS. What is the definition of Twitter? Well, "SMS for the internet" is pretty close.
These messages are supposed to be short, like a bird's tweet - a fleeting chirp that is as fleeting as the wind.
A bird's tweet.
It comes as no surprise that Twitter messages are called "tweets" as well.
Is this the answer to the question "what is the definition of Twitter?" Perhaps. We will never know for certain. Perhaps there is no real answer to the said query. But it is, by far, the most plausible answer that we can come up with.
But what is the definition of Twitter in a marketer's perspective? Alas, that is a question that is perfectly answerable with definitiveness.
Twitter is an amazing tool that can act like a mailing list. Amass a lot of followers, and you can follow up on them en masse whenever you have something to share or promote. Your read rate will be higher considering the shorter - and more readable - nature of your messages. And if your read rate is high, your conversion rate should follow suit.
Twitter is an amazing tool that can help you brand yourself or your business. Send messages conveying your thoughts so that your followers will get to know you better. Share every achievement that your business will receive so that your followers will know that your enterprise is a credible one.
Twitter is an amazing tool that can actually serve as your customer support system. Transform it into a real time FAQ, or even as a technical support service.
Given the fact that your Twitter following can be equal in value to your mailing list, you can likewise use the former as leverage for those big ticket joint ventures (JVs).
Much like how speculators buy and sell domains, you can buy and sell Twitter accounts. Currently, big companies are quickly realizing the marketing potentials of Twitter, and if you own the Twitter account name that they need, they may buy it from you for a high price.
What is the definition of Twitter?
For many marketers, it means one thing: a virtual gold mine!
About the author
Samantha Milner is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of 24 Hour Twitter Expert: