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Vacuuming is one of those tedious but necessary household chores. Top end vacuum cleaners can costs a lot of money and will need to be replaced or repaired every five years or so. Many people don't realise there is actually a cost effective and easy to use alternative to portable vacuum cleaners. This is called a central vacuum system.

Central Vacuum Systems

Central vacuum systems can be fitted in your home for less than it costs to buy a top end vacuum cleaner. These systems are very easy to use and can add money to your home's resale value. Central vacuum systems work in a similar way to portable devices. They remove dirt, dust and debris effectively from your floors and furniture. The main benefit of the central vacuum system is that the main power unit is housed in an out-of-the-way part of your home such as your cellar or garage. This means that all you will have to carry around with you is the lightweight hose and power brush head. All of the debris you pick up will also be sent through tubing into a simple central collection point. This means you do not have to worry about empting the vacuum every time you use it or replacing the bag.

How Central Vacuum System's Work

The main power unit will be installed and then connected to various inlets around your home by tubing (installed discreetly through walls and crawl spaces). Then instead of plugging in a portable device all you need to do is plug your vacuum hose into the system inlet points. Once you have connected to the inlet point you can engage the inlet and then the power unit will provide a suction pressure that will suck any dust, dirt and debris out of the room and away to the disposal unit. This means you will not have to carry a vacuum around your home but instead simply plug the hose into the nearest inlet. Central vacuum systems only need to be emptied every three months or so. Central vacuum systems can improve the air quality in your home as they do not recycle dirty air as a portable vacuum will do.

Types of Central Vacuum System

There are two main types of central vacuum system, cyclonic and filtered. Cyclonic systems use a centrifugal force and gravity to separate dirt from the air sucked into the vacuum and deposit it into the waiting receptacle. Filtered systems use various filters made from materials such as cloth, foam and paper to separate the dirt from the air taken in by the central vacuum system. You will need to clean or replace filters regularly to ensure the system is still working effectively. If filters become too blocked it can place strain on the central vacuum system and this can cause parts to wear much more quickly or even damage them.

Central Vacuum from

By: Gareth Hoyle

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