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Building Links For Home Business

Today I want to talk about networking, but I want to talk about a certain aspect of networking that goes a little bit in depth into that topic. This is something that you probably are never going to read in a book, you're definitely not going to learn in school, possibly even business school and that is the concept of forming on what is referred to as key links.

The link concept is actually one that I learned from and mentor of mine, Kecia Wimmer, who is Co-Founder and Chief Training Officer at a leading entrepreneur education company.

I went after her and wanted her to be a part of it because of the great success that she had had with being one of Tony Robbin's top salespeople back in the day and then going on to be a seven figure earner herself.

One of the things that she teaches is a system for networking called The Link System. She's one of 22 people in the entire world certified to train on that system and I'm going to give you just a quick preview to a piece of it because I feel that it's so important and it's something that everyone should know.

One of the concepts that Kecia trains on is the concept of forming what is referred to as Key Links in your life as a businessperson. This is not just the typical person that you're networking with or even the networking buddy that you're trading information with.

This is a person that you have somewhat of an arrangement with almost like a business marriage, where you agree that you're going to be trading whatever information that you find out that will help that person's business instantaneously as soon as you find information out.

According to Kecia and the system that she teaches, you actually only need about twelve of these people in a lifetime in order to get to a point in your business where almost everything that you do is referral based and you never find yourself ever having to cold call or do a lot of cold market recruiting, etc. again because these people, you have an agreement where you're always instantly trading information with each other that's going to help each other build their business.

I know that in my lifetime I have one link in particular that I've had in particular that I've had for years, Kim Rhodes, who I've talked about before and we both had a tremendous increase in our success and in our income because of that relationship.

I've also been forming new relationships with new people, who I hope will be links in the future, that I've been building with in mastermind groups and building relationships with. So I would say that when you're out there networking make sure that you are networking with a purpose.

I do want to leave you with this one point that when you're out there networking make sure that you are looking for people who you can create long lasting networking relationships with and particularly be on the lookout for links and that is people who are willing to sit down and give you a mutual agreement to share information and contacts instantaneously for as long as you guys are in that relationship.

It's a very simple concept and I promise you it will grow your business by leaps and bounds and make it a lot easier to build your business because you will be building it off of warm contacts and recommendations as opposed to always beating your head against the wall of a cold market.

So, I hope you can use that and it will help you to have additional success and additional income in the bottom line of your business.

by: multimilliondollarmindset

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