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Track And Boost Your Google Adwords Conversion

AdWords is Google's famed pay-per-click and content-related advertising campaign. Online publishers make money by getting their readers to click on the ads on their pages, and on the odd occasions when someone actually makes a purchase through their link.

Sounds easy enough, doesn't it?

AdWords is a piece of cake only if the human element is no hurdle for the publisher. The key to good earnings using AdWords lies in getting conversions - through the website's content, the publisher has to convince readers to click on ads, find out more about the products, and finally purchase them.

The merchant, who pays every time his ad is clicked, may end up incurring huge losses with a badly set up AdWords campaign. The key to minimize advertising cost while getting maximum results lies in paying for sales, rather than clicks and impressions.

The people who use AdWords the most are usually bloggers. While personal bloggers put up a token AdSense button somewhere, professional bloggers are much more aggressive in their approach. They put up multiple AdSense buttons in several strategic locations along their site, and optimize their content to yield results for certain keywords.

On the merchant's end, each click that does not convert is a wasted expense. The merchant needs to constantly track keywords and conversions, to keep track of the keywords that actually generate sales, as opposed to the ones which leech revenue without giving anything back. Tracking conversions for each keyword is extremely easy using Google Analytics - Google's own service for tracking traffic trends and helping to increase web effectiveness. By pasting a conversion tracking script into the HTML of a website's "post-sale" page, the number of sales per click can be easily tracked and mapped onto a chart.

Once the merchant determines which of his keywords generate the most conversions, he can keep those, and delete the rest.

On the publisher's end, generating sales from keywords ensures that those keywords will not go into the merchant's "delete" list. Also, regularly blogging about a certain set of topics can set up a publisher as an authority on the subject, making readers more inclined to trust him/her as a source of information and recommendation.

In order to run a successful AdWords campaign, the business needs careful promoting. Too much marketing-style hyped-up language is something readers have quickly learned to see through, so overt marketing needs to take a backseat in favor of objective, reader-oriented text. Ideally, a post that seeks to generate a sale should talk honestly about the product's merits, explain exactly what purpose the product will serve, and who it is meant for. User reviews and even sales copy today are geared towards the customer's needs and generating trust. With solid information that is backed up by recognized expertise, a publisher can create a base for long-lasting, trusted relationships with clients.

By regularly tracking AdWords and sticking with winning combinations, a business can gain a substantial clientele - without spending much on unproductive, unseen advertisements.

by: Gen Wright

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