subject: What you need to know about errors and omissions insurance for engineers [print this page] It does not matter if you are an architectural or contracting firm or if you are self-employed. It is important that you possess full Professional Liability Coverage. This specific insurance is also referred to as errors and omissions insurance for engineers. Essentially, this specific form of insurance offers protection if ever a mistake is done on the job which causes a lawsuit. Though there are engineers who opt out of this specific coverage, it is not at all advisable since a judgment or large settlement against an engineer could lead to job loss, business loss and even property loss. If you understand how this specific coverage could serve you will eventually make such a necessity evident.
Take note that there are instances wherein an experienced professional could commit errors and overlook a report. When you are overburdened, had a bad day or distracted, any minor mistake you make could have long term consequences which cost a company tons of dollars. When such setbacks happen, they then start looking for anyone they can hold liable. A small error or factual emission in calculation could eventually lead to a large lawsuit which then requires you to hire a legal team and pay for delays or damages which are the end result of such an error. In such cases, your specific coverage will then protect you as according to your specific liability amount. Any costs related with the case will then be covered by your chosen provider. Also, your personal and professional assets will then be covered.
Unfortunately, there are engineers who see the possibility of professional errors low thus preferring to not invest or purchase this specific coverage. Do note that while your work might be free from errors, that might not be sufficient to shield you from any possibility of being mentioned in a lawsuit.
This truth is that despite a lawsuit as being absent of merit, you could still be held liable for the tons of legal bills acquired during the litigation period. When one has liability professional insurance, any fees related with this specific negligence claim are very much covered. In this particular way, holders are not simply protected from errors, they are also shielded against any false assertions.
Another reason why numerous engineers are choosing such a coverage is that it is essentially demanded by companies who employ them. Usually, such clauses which necessitate errors and omissions insurance for engineers are included in employment contracts of subcontractors or primary contractors. This essentially shields the client if ever there is a claim is filed.
All in all, this specific liability insurance is important as it protects you from any errors you make or not make. Believe it or not, even highly experienced engineers will not be able to protect themselves against any inaccurate professional claim.
What you need to know about errors and omissions insurance for engineers
By: Bob Roberts
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