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subject: How To Save Big Money Buying Vending Machines! [print this page]

There are many factors to take into consideration when it comes to buying vending machines. The type of product(s) dispensed, whether the machine is electronic or mechanical, how many machines you are purchasing, and the costs for ongoing maintenance, product restocking and repairs down the road are all important things to keep in mind.


The type of machine that you want to purchase is an important factor when deciding between new vs. used. In terms of product, soda, snack, and coffee vending machines are the most common, but there are many other types as well, including machines that are designed to dispense both hot and cold meal items

Electronic machines are built to accept a wide variety of currency, from change and bills to credit, debit, and employee I.D. cards. These machines can cost anywhere from $1,000-$8,000, depending on whether they are new or used, the type of product(s) dispensed, the type of materials that the machine is made of, features, size, and other factors.

Mechanical machines operate via a turning mechanism that dispenses the product, rather then by electricity. The type of currency that these machines accept varies, and older machines may only accept change. Small, tabletop gumball and candy vending machines can be purchased online for as little as $150, while larger machines vary in price but generally start at about $1,000 and increase from there based on the same factors that determine the cost of electronic machines.

Single Vs. Multiple

If you are buying one or two machines for your own personal use, cost may not be as much of a concern. If, however, you are planning on starting a vending business, the cost of purchasing several top of the line, brand new machines may seem prohibitive. Purchasing a few older, used machines is usually a more feasible option for those just starting out.

Repair And Maintenance

While it may be more cost effective initially, buying used vending machines may turn out to be a more expensive decision in the long run if one or more of the machines breaks down and the necessary parts are difficult or impossible to locate. Research the make and model of any used or new machine(s) before you buy to see if replacement parts are readily available from physical stores and/or online sources to avoid this problem.

Buying Safely

One way to make sure that you are buying a quality vending machine is to buy directly from a reputable manufacturer. New machines are usually under warranty, which can help to protect your investment in the event that the machine breaks down or needs repair before the warranty expires.

Before buying used machines, research the background and customer service and satisfaction reputation of the company or individual. Be sure to obtain a purchase contract, signed by both of you, that clearly states whether the machines that you are purchasing have any known defects or problems and whether the seller will reimburse you for repair costs or refund your money within a certain period of time if problems occur.

by: Peter S Milazzo

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