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subject: Hong Kong Real Estate At Its Best: Discovery Bay [print this page]

Hong Kong Real Estate At Its Best: Discovery Bay

Hong Kong real estate has
Hong Kong real estate has

never seen better days. With this special administrative zone of the Peoples

Republic of China rising in popularity as a major trade zone as well as a strong

player in the education market not to mention the unending flow of tourism,

there is only one way for the real estate prices to go: up. In spite of being so

advanced in every area, Hong Kong also happens to be the one of the most

populous regions in the world. This is another reason why the prices go up every

year, making real estate a safe investment in Hong Kong. So if you are thinking

of valuable Real Estate options, Hong Kong is your best chance.

The best being the most beautiful, most popular and most exciting. Hong Kong

real estate in its best form can be found in some of its less populated islands.

Rumoured to be the latest celebrity hotspot, Discovery Bay rose up in realty

meter a notch above the rest. Villas that claim maximum luxury and surrounding

beauty set the tone for the Discovery Bay property and it is no surprise that

Discovery Bay is set out to be Hong Kongs and even the worlds costliest real

estate zone with properties costing as much as HK$300 million dollars!

Discovery Bay had never known any less. It was conceived by Mr.Eddy Wong in 1976

as a leisure resort in the north eastern coast of the Lantau Island. Since then

Discovery Bay, as the Hong Kong real estate agents would proudly present, has

grown to be a mixture of residential and recreational area with the most

incredible potential for investment. Discovery Bay is also stated to be as the

most wonderful place to live in by many a newspaper. Any commendable property

agency in Hong Kong would point you to scope filled Discovery Bay residential

properties, style and prestige also as factors. An apartment in Discovery Bay

may start anywhere around HK$2.1 million and can be guaranteed to be an

architecturally and technologically sound with all the latest amenities only

money can buy. Whats more, renting a property in Discovery Bay is analysed to

provide a huge return on investment in less than twenty five years.

Hong Kong real estate couldnt get any better than Discovery Bay. So while

youre out there scouting for promising real estate ventures, you might want to

grab anything and everything that Discovery Bay has to offer!

by: headlandhomes

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