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subject: Le Mans Coupes Ltd Agent For Superformance Uk [print this page]

Le Mans Coupes Ltd Agent For Superformance Uk

The company was formed in 2003 after a chance meeting Nigel Hulme had with Jimmy

Price(the owner of Hi Tech automotive of Port Elizabeth South Africa ) 5 years

earlier when Hulme visited the Shelby World convention in Charlotte North

Carolina, both Nigel and Jimmy share a passion for the Cobra in all its forms

and it was Prices remark that he was going to recreate and update the iconic

Shelby Daytona Cobra Coupe but with the original designers involvement that

Nigel immediately picked up on and said Im your

UK agent. All was firmed up with

a gentlemans agreement.

It wasnt until September 2003 that the first cars arrived in the UK. Nigel

named his company Le Mans Coupes Ltd as by now he knew of the

Superformance GT40s, which would

follow the Cobra Coupes.

Nigels history goes back to the early seventies when he started racing in a

Ford 2.6 engined AC Ace the Cobras ancestor, soon followed by the 1963 Le Mans

Class winning Cobra39 PH which Nigel owned from 1973 to 2003 and raced many

times at the Goodwood Revival meetings. Nigels main claim to fame being a

seasoned campaigner of Lola T70s in fact he has raced T70s for some 26 years,

in this time he has built up a vast knowledge of the American V8 in both Ford

and Chevrolet form

Giving him a unique insight into the correct way to build and run race and high

performance machines thus giving him the attributes to be the mechanical and

technical aspect of the business.

From the outset Nigel teamed up with Rod Leach of Rod Leachs Nostalgia as the

appointed selling agent of the Coupes and GT40s in turn key form as his vast

knowledge of all things Cobra was unparalleled. Making a very successful

combination for the project.

by: same

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