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Keeping Cool In The Summer

As most people know, during the hot temperatures and sometimes high humidity of the summer months, its not always just about being cool but also about preventing any heat related illnesses from striking you or your loved ones.

One thing you can do is use fans! A fan helps to circulate the air and make you feel cooler, even in an air conditioned area. Hand held fans are convenient and easy to use. Some of the hand held fans even come with water bottles so you can lightly mist cool water on your face as the fan is blowing on you. Some of these smaller hand held fans are also battery operated so that you can take them outside with you if you're going to be at a park or attending an outdoors event on a hot day. If you're planning a summer wedding, consider putting battery operated hand held fans on the tables for your guests. If you do, they'll have a nice time while staying cool!

If you don't have air conditioning in your home, you may want to consider spending some time at the local mall, the library or even head off to the movies for a bit. During the days that are dangerously hot, spending even a few short hours in an air conditioned area will be good for you.

You should avoid alcohol and caffeine as these two products will dehydrate you. Instead, drink water and try some of the popular sports drinks that will refresh the electrolytes that you body looses during times of intense heat. Keeping popsicles and cold, fresh fruit on hand will also be refreshing and may help you to restore some of the nutrients your body will lose during the summer heat.

A special treat in the hot summer months is to put your lotions and body sprays into the freezer! They won't freeze all the way but will be nice and cold when you apply them to your skin and will prove to be a refreshing way to cool down. You may even want to try a cool bath or shower first, followed by a spritz of your favorite body spray or handful of the lotion that's been cooled off in the freezer!

In the hot summer months, be sure and think about your pets! Pets shouldn't be left outside in extensive heat and should never be left in the car, even with the windows down a crack! Make sure pets have lots of water available to them at all times so that they don't dehydrate either! You're dog may even enjoy being spritzed with cold water or even love having you hold your hand held fan up in front of him!

by: Jamie Simpson

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