subject: How To Make Quick Money Without Online Survey [print this page] You probably have tried it, and wonder how to make quick money without online survey since it is not working for you. And you do not want to try any program that requires you to sign people up, like network marketing, because you are afraid of selling.
But you want to find some quick cash.
Here is an idea you can test and as proven by some marketers, it works like a charm because it combines the power of two hottest trends right now: social media and affiliate marketing.
The first step is to find a hot deal. You can do this by browsing a marketplace for affiliate network or looking around popular online book store and auction site.
Your aim is to gather as much info as possible about what is selling in the market right now. Take your time doing this as this is the most important part of the whole process. The quick income will come if you successfully identify a few of such offers.
Once you have found them, your next step is to sign research good keywords which people are using to search for the offer online. The best tool, and it is free too, is the free keywords tool provided by the search engines or related services.
Collect as many keywords as you can and organize them by putting the highest search terms on top.
Then you will move on to the next step, which is to research the competition.
You want to go back to the search engines and type your choice of keywords into the Search' box, and notice how much pages compete for the same keywords. You want a healthy combination of high search-low competition' terms.
Once you have all selected terms, what you need to do next is to register with a free content publishing site, a blog for example, and start creating your content. It is best if your content revolve around your keywords and its offer. You also want to tactfully insert your affiliate link into your content and makes it appears natural.
After that, all that is needed is for you to promote your offer by means of social media and link everything to your blog or content site.
How To Make Quick Money Without Online Survey
By: Nezrul Hisyam
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