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Refinish Your Hardwood Flooring

If you have been wanting to refinish your

hardwood flooring, then you have probably been searching to see if it is

possible to do the work yourself in order to save some money. The following will

present the basics to give you an idea of what refinishing really requires

before the actual sanding process, especially if you want to avoid compete floor


1. Preliminaries

The first thing to look out for is sagging or soft boards. You will need to

replace these before you start the floor refinishing. It is also advisable to

look at the wall edges of the hardwood flooring

to see if there is a history of many sandings. This may mean that it simply is

time to opt for complete floor installation.

2. Filling in the Cracks

Some cracks that are visible are something that should stay; these allow the

floor to expand when needed because of heat and cold changes. Filling cracks at

the ends of the flooring boards is recommended.

3. Anything Loose Must Go

If there is any sort of material not attached by nailing on the hardwood

flooring, then you will need to remove it before the refinishing begins. Do a

good sweep. Pliers can get rid of carpet staples. A nail set can even out nails

that are rough and sticking up. Block the windows and doors form dust loosening

with plastic sheets.

4. Creaks and Buckles

These should be noted and repaired or removed before sanding the

hardwood flooring.

The following is a list of materials needed when you are ready to perform floor


A. Putty knife

B. Putty scraper

C. Drum sander

D. Buffer

E. Floor edger

F. Palm sander

G. Ear plugs

H. Masks

I. Shop vacuum

J. Lambs wool brush

K. Tack cloths

L. Safety goggles

Further research can be done here to learn how to actually begin your sanding

and refinishing.

by: same

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