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The Global Smart Grid Market 2010-2020
The Global Smart Grid Market 2010-2020

Our brand new energy report -The Global Smart Grid Market 2010-2020 - outlines trends in the revolutionary smart grid market which is a concept to optimise electrical grids with huge potential savings for utilities and consumers alike. The direction of the market over the next decade is detailed, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of different smart grid markets with targeted sales forecasts. ( )

This report offers in-depth analysis of the smart grid as a revolutionary advancement in the energy industry - an industry which is undergoing profound changes. Smart grid is a major growth area within the energy world, but this growth is developing in particular directions which are outlined in this report. The report analyses a wealth of data and introduces a clear analysis of where the market will develop based upon diverse factors and insight into the market, anticipating how and why the market will evolve from 2010 onwards. The report also describes the most important applications within the smart grid space and assesses their prospects over the long term. The various drivers and restraints of the market are assessed in order to provide readers with specific insights into the future direction of the smart grid market.

How much will the smart grid market increase over the period 2010-2020? How much will individual regions spend on smart grids between 2010 and 2020? Who are the leading companies in the smart grid industry? Where are the growth opportunities over the next decade in which geographical region and with which technologies and types of applications? These critical questions and many more are definitively answered in this comprehensive report.

Comprehensive analysis of the global smart grid market

The Global Smart Grid Market 2010-2020 report examines this sector critically with a comprehensive review of recent contracts, news reports, industry publications, market analysis and expert consultation. The report provides detailed sales forecasts for the global market, regional market forecasts; a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis; discussions of commercial and technological trends; and assessments of market drivers and restraints. This report also includes transcripts of in-depth interviews with industry experts. This package of analyses cannot be obtained anywhere else.

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