subject: How To Get Your Structured Settlement Payments [print this page] After personal injury or an accident, you and the insurance company will decide in court as to what the amount is they will pay out to you. It might sound like a great amount of money especially if you have tons of medical bills, which you have to settle. This can place great stress on you as well as your family. To receive your money monthly or annually can become a problem if you are planning to settle these bills. Once you worked out as to how much the settlement amount should be and the insurance company agrees, you have to decide as to how you want to receive your structured settlement payments. Remember that you cannot reverse the decision you make now, the insurance company will not make any changes towards the payment structure. To find out more keep reading.
It very often happens that the insurance companies settle on a few hundred thousand dollars, but you receive the money over a course of about twenty years or more.
This will not help you in the least bit if you have companies on your case wanting payment for the services they provided to you. There is however, ways for you to get the money you need without having to wait for so long.
With this option, you will be able to receive all of the money you so desperately need instead of having to wait for twenty or more years. The benefits of receiving your money this way is truly great and helpful.
It might in any case be a good thing to take your money all at once, as you never know for how long you will still be around and then nobody will be able to make use of this money, which is yours.
So how do you get all of your money at once? It is simple. You only need to look around for some companies or even private investors who will be interested in purchasing your settlement from you. They will give you the whole amount of money and collect the structured settlement payments on a monthly basis. Seems like the perfect way to get you out of some serious debts, instead of struggling from month to month in order to pay the medical bills. Like with anything else receiving your monthly has its benefits, but in the end it is better to just take it all at once.
by: Paul Easton
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