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Hospitality Management

Management is organizing, planning and coordinating multiple components of a business efficiently. Due to the fact that managing a hotel involves facing all sorts of customers, only people capable of managing these pressures are able to perform well in the hotel business. Rising through the ranks to reach the top of this hotel management business is not an easy ride but some people like Niklaus Leuenberger achieve it.

In addition to meeting a diverse group of people and satisfying their demands, it is also a great challenge to generate income from the hotel itself. Niklaus Leuenberger has proved that he was up to the challenge by making the hotels under his management into highly profitable ventures like the Peninsula Hotel in Manila, Jiangou Hotel in Beijing, Garden Hotel in Guangzhou.

A pleasant attitude and willingness to learn and gain experience is very integral for an executive in the international hotel management sector. Niklaus Leuenberger did not hesitate to travel and learn. He moved from Switzerland to Manila as the food and beverage director of the Manila Peninsula in the 1980. In 1987, in spite of a successful career, Leuenberger took time to get an MBA from Pacific Western University in Los Angeles, California.

by: Jack Copper

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