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subject: Finding A Job- Marketing Yourself As A Hot Product [print this page]

Finding A Job- Marketing Yourself As A Hot Product

If you want the right job and feel like you are the right fit, you had better be ready to be a salesman first. Selling yourself is vital to any job interview and if you can't market yourself, there's little chance that the employers won't buy what you are trying to sell.

Obviously the first part of getting the right job with the right company is to submit your resume and a great cover letter. Don't hold anything back on either of them. Let them know you are the right person for the job. Remember, the employer is receiving dozens of inquiries about the position and chances are that they are doing a bit of bragging about themselves as well. But once you get into the Human Resources office3 for the interview, you are a salesman and your product is yourself.

Start by talking proudly about what you can bring to their company and why no one is the right person for the job except yourself. Tell them what they want to hear, not what you want to say. Do some homework and find out exactly what the job entails and remember that while you are in that interview. Focus on what you can bring to their company because that's all they care about. Talk to people who work at the company if you know any. Look the company up on the Internet. Make sure that when you leave that interview, you are their only true option.

You'll essentially be a salesman, and the product that you're selling will be yourself. You should always sell to the highest bidder, as long as each one has a position that you like equally. If you send out 50 resumes and get four calls, you'll have to determine which of those jobs you'd like the best. Then, if you are approved for two of the four, you'll need to pick the one that you would enjoy the most, regardless of how you choose. You can pick the highest paying job or the one that seems the most enjoyable. If you're lucky, these two will be one and the same.

If you don't have complete confidence in yourself, you probably have lost in the interview process before it's even over. Humility doesn't work as well as an air of confidence. To give yourself a chance at that job, believe in your credentials, your personality, and then show it to the hiring party.

by: Craig Calvin

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