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subject: Earn Extra Money by Providing Your Emergency Expertise to Educators [print this page]

Are you trained to provide aid in emergency situations or disasters? A great way for you to make extra cash is to help child care centers set up Emergency Preparedness Plans. All child care programs, no matter what kind or type, should have an emergency preparedness plan for their center. In addition, this plan should include provisions for children with disabilities and children who may require health related services not usually required by children.

However, not all child care personnel understand the potential risks, or how to develop a plan to prepare for them. Trained emergency personnel can help; whether you're a nurse, first responder, emergency medical technician, doctor, policeman, or fireman. Each of these people received training in emergency preparedness which can be passed along to others.

Considering different emergencies is important. You can be without water, electricity, sewage, telephone access, refrigeration, air conditioning, or heat, not to mention fires and natural disasters like earthquakes and floods.

However, even specially trained emergency personnel may not have extensive knowledge regarding special needs children. Some tips from the National Center for Children with Special Needs follow.

1. Store enough medical supplies and medication for at least three days, and up to two weeks.

2. Store regular and special foods for children with allergies and other special needs.

3. Store different sizes of batteries for use in radios, flashlights, and assistive technologies.

4. Store all supplies in waterproof and pest proof containers placed where they can be easily reached in the event of an emergency.

5. Create an escape plan for your child care center, drawing it clearly and posting it. Practice the escape plan. Be sure there are clear paths for children with mobility devices.

6. Hire staff members that have First Aid and CPR certifications; or provide training.

7. Keep First Aid kits up to date.

8. Become familiar with emergency plans at schools close to your child care facility.

People with training in emergency preparedness, as well as those who can provide First Aid and CPR certification can earn extra money by consulting with child care centers that are required to maintain an emergency preparedness plan. All facilities, programs, schools, and centers who work with children are required to have such a plan, regardless of size, type, or location. A simple written plan that can be mailed will help many centers get their plans in place.

Earn Extra Money by Providing Your Emergency Expertise to Educators

By: Termetrice Gibbons

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