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subject: Why Moms Choose Work At Home Businesses [print this page]

Why Moms Choose Work At Home Businesses

Today the majority of families who have small children under school age are faced with the dilemma of sending those children to Day Care, while both parent go to work to cover their living expenses. Sometimes, grandparents or older children are forced to look after the little ones.

Whilst the standard of care in licensed facilities is satisfactory, many parents are uncomfortable leaving their children in the hands of strangers or have concerns about the effect separations have on their child's development. The cost of the care is another significant factor, effectively reducing rates of pay.

To solve this dilemma more and more families start home-based businesses, where one or both of the parents can devote time to their pre-school children. It is a win-win solution, as more expenses can be deducted at tax time, employment expenses such as travel decreases, and both family incomes and family time together increase.

Traditional business may be a problem for a normal family, unless they have access to substantial capital. In their start up mode many brick and mortar businesses can be expensive to operate. However, many Internet business models require limited capital, and are cheap to operate. Niche marketing can produce profitable businesses with little or no competition.

Marketing your products grows in importance as the competition does. Using proven systems will increase a business' chances of success. There are successful systems available from a number of on-line sources that are ideal for home based businesses.

For Working Moms relationships handling is an area where most are competent. They intuitively know that it is the relationship that makes the sales. That people will buy from someone they trust. Having a great website may help, but is not the key trigger for a buying decision.

The focus of the on-line business of the future will be the customer. Capturing and retaining their interest will occupy the marketers, almost to the exclusion of sales. As information is shared, and the business analyses the personal information of the customer, product that match the customers needs are offered in a non intrusive manner.

by: Donna Fuller

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