subject: Is It Really True That If You Try To Get Pregnant At 40 And Over It Is More Difficult? [print this page] My husband and I want to have a childMy husband and I want to have a child. I am 38, he is 40. He has never had a child before and I want to be able to give him a child of his own. I have had two other children before, no problems at all, natural childbirth. My menstrual cycle is normal, no problems. I had precancerous condition (stage 3) that I had taken care of a year and 1/2 ago. Everything is normal now. I didn't have any trouble at all getting pregnant with the other two...When I went off the pill to get pregnant I was pregnant within 4 weeks each time. That was about 8 years ago. So is it true that it takes longer to get pregnant the older the mother is? Say 40 or above? I am wondering if I will have any trouble this time to naturally conceive.
We get asked this question so many times by women wondering what their chances to conceive are, at the age or 40 or above.
The simple answer to this question is: Yes, your chances of getting pregnant any given month decline after 35 and even more sharply after 40. You might have to try for many months, a year or longer, even if you are ovulating. To see if you're ovulating regularly, you can get some ovulation predictor tests from the drugstore and use them as directed.
You can also go to your ob/gyn for a "preconception" checkup to see if everything is ok. They will probably do a blood and urine test on day 3 of your cycle to check the hormone levels which indicate if your ovarian reserve is good or beginning to decline. They may also order a pelvic ultrasound to see if your uterus and ovaries look normal.
However the best tips I we usually give in this situation is that you try to naturally enhance your fertility using natural methods. There are so many natural infertility cure guides being sold on the web today. Though some of them really do not worth your money, a good number of them are really great. The one we have found to be best and has helped the most of our patience is this one by Lisa Olson called the Pregnancy Miracle guide. This is a must try infertility cure guide for any woman who is having any kind of problems to naturally conceive, and will want to increase her fertility rate.