subject: Eye And Vision Insurance [print this page] Nowadays, insurance is not just for the health of your whole body, and you can also have the insurance for a part of your body like eye insurance. For people who have vision problems, vision insurance is critical to help them reduce the cost for vision services i.e. eye exams, glasses and contacts by providing a discounted rate or offsetting the cost. With the eye insurance, the cost for vision service maybe cut by 50% or more. And you can choose individual vision insurance or the one for the whole family, so the whole family can get benefits from eye insurance.
There are two types of vision insurance available: vision discount plan and vision benefits package. The eye insurance of vision discount plan is to pay for the full services but at a lower, discounted rate after an annual membership fee or premium (usually $10-$12) is met. And the vision insurance benefits package usually involves the same aspect as vision discount plan, but you may also be required to co-pay (usually $10-$15) each time and this will be balanced by the benefits package.
As for how to choose the eye insurance, you are advised to review carefully the following important factors: what vision services are covered, the benefits the vision insurance can offer and the amount you have to pay for, whether you have to pay a deductible vision insurance and how much will pay, through the eye insurance, how many pairs of eye glasses or contact lenses and how often the eye exam you can be given within a limited period of time and any rules or regulations you can take advantage of your vision insurance.
by: Beatrices
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