subject: Fish Oil Benefits for Children and Adults [print this page] Author: Chris McCormick Author: Chris McCormick
Fish oil benefits your health in some amazing ways. I was so pleased to find that fish oil benefits cover many areas of the body in one simple daily dose. I did a little research to find out what I could do to bring vitality and youthfulness back to my skin and in the process I discovered answers not only for my skin but also for many other areas of my body and even for my children. Fish oil promotes vibrant and youthful skin as it enhances the production of collagen and improves elasticity. Through some quick research I discovered that fish oil carries many benefits to the common everyday person and that is fast becoming one was recommended supplements available. Fish oil benefits not only your skin by removing wrinkles and cracked skin; it can also bring changes in mental health. Many Of the illnesses that our children face today are being handled by adding fish oil to their diet. ADHD, ADD, and dyslexia are some of the orders that are being improved through fish oil benefits. This is showing that an imbalance in children's diets can result in hyperactivity and behavioral issues as well as learning problems and reading difficulties. Simply adding a fish oil supplement to their diets is changing the lives of many children and adults. Fish oil benefits include two very essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA that are found to be crucial to the health of the brain, the nervous system and even eyesight. The common everyday person does not take in enough essential oils through their daily diet. It is now being recommended to add fish oil to the diet of children as well as adults. Pregnant women who have taken fish oil supplements have experienced a lower risk of premature labor. Fish oil benefits for pregnant women also include proper fetus development, healthy brain development and smarter healthier babies. Fish oil benefits are proving to be beneficial for the mother and for the baby. Long chain omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oils can simply not be addressed through our everyday diets. Additional fish oil benefits show brainpower increase, improvement in creativity, improvement in memory, improvement in comprehension, as well as a reduced risk of breast cancer, a reduced risk of prostrate and colon cancers, a reduced risk of heart attack, and improved cholesterol levels. Many other fish oil benefits are still being found. Fish oils benefits are bringing health and healing to people across the world.About the Author:
Chris is a heart patient trying to spread the word about the health benefits of Fish Oil Supplements.