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Silicon In The Modern Age

One of the greatest aspects of Silicon is that it can be combined with a wide variety of other elements in order to make useful products, ranging from soap, shampoo, glass materials, medical implants and enamel to most notably semiconductors. Silicon wafers are used in electronic devices because of silicon's natural semiconducting properties.

Silicon wafer preparation requires a great deal of expertise and a plethora of steps. In general, the first step of wafer preparation is to ensure that all materials are produced in what is known as a clean room, that is, a room completely free of contaminants. Silicon cylinders, or ingots are chemically produced, polished and cut into wafers of desired thickness, etched and polished again. The actual procedure is a great deal more painstaking and complicated and results in a variety of wafers to be used for a host of electronic devices. Adding impurities, called dopants, to silicon controls the conductivity of the element.

The result of such work though cannot be understated, for without silicon and silicon grinding techniques computers, televisions, phones, satellites and the myriad of trappings of the digital age that are so essential to our daily lives would simply not exist. In fact, Silicon Valley is so named because of this element's amazing usefulness in the modern era.

by: Bill Julitz

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