subject: Side Effects of the Teeth Whitening Strips [print this page] Author: Elizabeth Author: Elizabeth
The teeth whitening strips are the most popular kind of teeth whitening home products that are to be used on a regular basis in order to get proper whitening of the teeth. But the daily usage of the teeth whitening products may eventually result in certain side effects that can be of some trouble to the individual opting the strips. The strips are generally derived from the polyethylene material with a coat of hydrogen peroxide that acts as a bleaching agent for the teeth. The concentrations of these bleaching agents on the strips generally range from 6% to 10%. >> Click here to tryaFREE Sample. Despite of the instant advantages of the teeth whitening strips certain disadvantages also occur as the side effects of the strips. The usage of the teeth whitening strips eventually results in the increased sensitivity to hot or cold food items. The reason being the inflammation of the tooth nerve because of the treatment of the bleaching agent is usually responsible for such irritability. In case of such increased sensitivity, an anti sensitive paste can be possibly used to reduce the sensitivity and thereby ensure the condition of the teeth. Another most common side effect of the teeth whitening strips is the irritation of the gums. This may not solely happen due to the bleaching agent but rather on the usage of the trays to implement the bleaching agent. The edges of the whitening strips make the bleaching agent come in contact to the soft tissues of the gum and eventually results in the irritability. About the Author: