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subject: Garmin Nuvi 260w Reviews [print this page]

A thin profile and an attention-catcher price point, these are some of the common features of those nuvi 200-series by Garmin that are now combined in one single unit, the nuvi 260W. Thus, many say that this one already has it all. Amazing features and capabilities abound in this gadget which is basically the very reason why everyone now wants to know Where To Buy Garmin Nuvi 260W.

The only thing that you must do in order to have that nuvi 260W in such an easy way is to go online. This time, the Internet is already hosting various online stores where you can select from a variety of displays instead of leaving your house and go to the nearest store. Among those stores that offer Garmin Nuvi 260W online, Amazon is the most famous, reliable, and affordable. Thus, this is where you should be heading to with regards to that matter.

Would you believe that this Garmin Nuvi 260W can actually say the real street names in giving out directions? Thats right; this device is able to do that through the availability of its text-to-speech feature which is one of the things that people are after in this unit. Apart from that feature, this device also lets you have a wider view of the location while youre driving so that you will know what store, building, or places are in the vicinity. Likewise, it allows you to think ahead whether or not a detour is needed. A high sensitivity GPS receiver, an SD card slot, a USB interface, touchscreen-enabled, and a lithium-ion battery that is rechargeable and can last up to five hours are some of the important things that are included in the package of this nuvi 260W.

Perhaps the most inviting highlight of this unit is its easy-to-use interface. Basically, that gives everyone the confidence of using and managing this device because navigating through it doesnt need any technical expertise anymore. Anyone can make use of its available simple controls and sub-screens that are designed for you to have such a wonderful trip. Theres just one thing that this device cant do though and that is to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows ME.

Garmin Nuvi 260W Reviews are already open for everyones view on several websites over the Internet. Unfortunately, Garmin is no longer producing this kind of nuvi. However, its not too late for you to experience what it is to own this device and take advantage of its features because you can still have that secondhand GPS. Theres just one important thing that this unit lacks and that is a traffic camera data for some countries. That has become an undesirable thing about this nuvi since the user still has to download it manually.

The appearance of a slim design, its high sensitivity receiver, a room for 500 custom locations, and the ability to voice-out the name of the street are the most common things that are liked by many. However, its slow startup time is unfavorable. Therefore, what matters most now before you decide which GPS unit to own is that you must spare time to read those various reviews that are made available mainly to serve as your guide.

by: Benjo Mars

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