subject: South Australian Tourism Commission Tenders [print this page] The South Australian Tourism Commission has released Tenders for experienced photographic companies to undertake production and delivery of high-level tourism photography and from experienced Video Production providers for the production and distribution of footage for the promotion, marketing and advertising of South Australia as a holiday destination.
The South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC) is committed to growing the State's tourism industry. Tourism is big business in South Australia, creating work for South Australians and offering strong prospects for long-term growth. The industry contributes to the State's economic activity, generating jobs and export dollars by attracting interstate and international tourists. It also enhances the State's cultural attributes and offers sustainable development for the environment.
The State Tourism Plan sets the strategic direction for Government, industry and the SATC, while the Corporate Plan focuses on the SATC and sets specific goals for the organisation acknowledging that to achieve these goals it must work closely with key industry and government partners.
The South Australian Strategic Plan tourism target is to "increase visitor expenditure in South Australia's tourism industry from $3.7 billion in 2002 to $6.3 billion by 2014".
In 1999, tourism and travel expenditure generated $3.15 billion for South Australia.By 2007 this figure had grown 34 per cent, to $4.2 billion. This represents anannual growth rate of 3.7 per cent per annum and includes the initial impact of GST.Following on from this, between 2000 to 2007 the increase was 13 per cent or 1.7 per cent per annum. By comparison, to achieve the target by 2014 requires 6 per cent per annum average growth.
The State Government and the South Australian tourism industry aim to close this gap by increasing visitor numbers and length of stay, and more importantly, increasing visitor spending.
Over the next three years the SATC will productively market the State's tourism product intrastate, interstate and internationally to ensure that South Australia is a compelling part of any Australian holiday. It will concentrate on developing the State's competitive strengths - good living, festivals and events, and accessible nature. It will secure, manage, and sponsor major events that revitalise the economy and build community spirit. It will also work to attract investment, develop strategic tourism assets, and work with tourism businesses to see the industry mature.
The Tenders for production and delivery of high-level tourism photography and for the production and distribution of footage for the promotion, marketing and advertising of South Australia as a holiday destination close on the 28th October.
South Australian Tourism Commission Tenders
By: Corwin Smith
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