subject: How To Find A Deal On Car Insurance For Young Drivers [print this page] When younger drivers start looking for auto insurance the very first time they're sometimes shocked at how high the prices can be. This is basically because these drivers don't have much, if any driving experience and the insurance providers consider them to be a high risk. However, you may be able to find reasonable rates on car insurance for young drivers if you do a bit of searching.
Insurance firms basically lump drivers from certain age and sex groups into one demographic when it comes to insurance rates. For example, the companies study accident and driving statistics and then figure out which group of people is involved in the most accidents and receive the most traffic violations. If they find that males between the ages of 16 and 25 are the most likely to be involved in a mishap or receive a ticket, their rates will cost more as they're considered a higher risk.
However, even though drivers belong to a certain insurance 'group', their individual driving records will also be scrutinized. It females aged 50 to 75 generally receive lower rates it's typically for those with good driving records. A 75 year-old woman with numerous accidents, tickets, and/or insurance claims will usually have to pay more.
This means it's quite hard for young drivers to get better rates if they belong to a higher risk group of drivers. You may get a better deal on car insurance for young drivers if you take a driver's education course and pass it. Some insurance providers will offer a discount on rates to those who have gained driving experience from professional instructors.
One of the best ways for younger drivers to find a company that offers good rates is to ask friends and family members of the same age and sex if they are insured, and if they are, what company do they use. These people may have already found a good provider to deal with that offers reasonable rates. It's definitely worth checking out any leads you receive from this method.
You can also do an internet search to see which firms offer the best deals on car insurance for young drivers. The best way to do this is to search for companies that offer auto insurance and then request a quote from several of them. This will allow you to compare their rates, coverage, and service and you can choose the one which looks the best.
by: Lance Thorington
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