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Jonas Brothers Tickets - World Summer Tour With Demi Lovato

Although they've continued to update their musical and personal style, the Jonas Brothers aren't done renovating. Announcing their latest summer tour in a press release, Nick, Kevin and Joe revealed that the latest international jaunt will be unlike anything fans have ever seen. With the cast from Camp Rock 2 joining the brothers during the live staging, notably Joe's girlfriend Demi Lovato, Nick told Billboard, "It will be a tour unlike anything we've ever done before."

Sure, the brothers impressed international fans last year with their revolving stage, but this summer's tour is promoting a brand new Jonas Brothers. With the continued promotion of Lines, Vines and Trying Times and the new Disney Channel original movie Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam, Jonas Brothers tickets are sure to sell well online.

Quelling breakup rumors following Nick's solo tour in support of his debut effort Who I Am, the brothers admit it was a profitable time for each to grow individually. "I think that it's very clear to our fans now that things are good," Nick said to Billboard. Though fans were concerned the brothers would split when Nick started recording with his solo effort Nick Jonas and the Administration, Kevin got married and Joe started acting, it was all just an opportunity to fulfill some dreams. "I think that this time [apart] has drawn us closer as brothers, made us stronger and we're looking forward to another great year."

The summer tour will see them opening up in Dallas, Texas on July 27 with dates through Oct. 17, hitting big cities like Seattle, Montreal, San Diego, New Orleans, Detroit, Boston, Indianapolis, Houston and others. The 45 city adventure is just the beginning as the New Jersey natives plan on adding dates for Latin America and Europe.
Jonas Brothers Tickets - World Summer Tour With Demi Lovato

Busy filming the on-location show JONAS for the Disney Channel and promoting the new Disney Channel film Camp Rock 2, the young adults aren't slowing down anytime soon. "We love recording and creating new music in the studio and enjoy doing television, but performing live music together for our fans is the ultimate," Nick said in a press release. The result is going to be another full blown tour for the Jonas Brothers and Camp Rock stars, which will undoubtedly get documentation for another live DVD release.

Besides singing catchy pop tunes and donning tight jeans, the Jonas Brothers are one of few bands to really interact with fans. Apart from all the social media that keeps fans updated, the Jonas Brothers invite fans to participate in special events, entertain in all kinds of arenas (like a recent Easter Sunday performance) and auction off tickets to their charity baseball games.

Even without new music or live performances, the Jonas Brothers stay relevant with special appearances or fun events - like Kevin's appearance on Minute to Win It or the special charitable performance for the TJ Martell Foundation. Unlike other boy bands, the Jonas Brothers have eliminated the stigma of such a stereotype by working with fans, expanding their brand beyond pop-rock and keeping their music relatable.

by: Pat Smith

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