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subject: Zamzuu Review - Will You Really Make Money With Zamzuu? [print this page]

Many people have been curious about a new network marketing company called Zamzuu. You have to admit, they have a snazzy name. But, you're probably wondering if getting involved with them is a good idea, or if this is just another multilevel money pit. Read this independent review to find out if this is a company you can make money with.

The Zamzuu company is a divison of YTB International, and offers an online shopping portal allowing members to shop at over 700 brand name stores while online. Not only does the shopping platform carry a large selection of items including: magazines, books, DVDs, music, computers, videos, electronics, apparel, jewelry, furniture and sporting goods, but also provides an opportunity for those interested in making some money to market their website to other people.

The Zamzuu owners realize the fact that millions of items are purchased every day online and that many individuals know friends and family that prefer or enjoy online shopping. Customers can shop through your Zamzuu website at large stores such as Nordstom, Wal Mart, Target and Circuit City. You can make up to 60% commission when others shop through your website.

As the Zamzuu opportunity is based on the multilevel marketing business model, those that are most successful began with family, friends and relatives. Gaining business through word of mouth is a powerful element of this business and creates a foundation for future marketing as well. Those with proper Internet Marketing skills can create campaigns that drive potential customers to their Zamzuu site also.

Zamzuu appears to be a legitimate company and you can make a profit with them as they provide bonuses when you sponsor new members, and a bonus when your members recruit into the team. Of course, you will need to create a large team that remains productive to be successful, as with most network marketing opportunities.

Zamzuu Review - Will You Really Make Money With Zamzuu?

By: Karl Dieterich

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