subject: Girls Learn Independence And Enjoy Leadership Experience At Summer Camps [print this page] Summer time and the living is...full of decisions about whether to send your daughter to summer camp. Besides easing the burden of trying to keep her busy with constructive activities until fall, there are many other benefits to summer camp for girls.
When girls attend overnight camps they are able to gain new life skills in a safe and loving community. Yes, they are away from direct parental supervision, but that in itself is a learning experience. They get the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds; learn teamwork as they take group responsibility for keeping their cabins clean and feel the thrill of competing together for various camp activities.
Radiating out from the traditional campfire, where girls can share confidences of the day and tell each stories; lessons in leadership, personal responsibility and character building lurk under the guise of having fun.
When a camper discovers she can actually ride a zip line she also discovers her personal strength and resourcefulness. When she helps paddle a canoe or do kitchen duty, she discovers the value of teamwork. When she is able to learn new things at camp, she learns about independence and a little about what it means to live in this world without constant parental oversight.
Speaking of which, girls summer camps provide an environment where the tasks of daily living, like teeth brushing, bed making or eating something other than chips, are just expected of the campers. Without mom's daily reminders, girls who haven't already learned to do this self-maintenance will soon experience both peer and staff pressure to shape up. In turn, odds are good that these lessons will persist after she returns home and willingly cleans her room or helps mind her siblings.
The skills a girl learns at camp can carry over into her high school, college and career. Making good choices, building leadership skills, meeting new people and watching good adult role models are all developed while she's living in nature; going on hikes and helping to set the dinner table for her fellow campers. And who knows? Maybe she'll discover a new hobby that will give her many hours of joy throughout her life.
Something else a girls overnight camp can produce - an appreciation for all the things her parents provide. A room of her own, someone to prepare her favorite meals, taxi service to and from soccer, piano lessons, or school, all come into much clearer focus when she's away from these gifts for this time of discovery and growth.
by: Stephen Daniels
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